Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals

How to convert decimal numbers to roman numerals.

Enter a number and press the red button to learn how to write it as a Roman numeral.

Latest conversions of numbers to Roman numerals

NumberDate and Time
2016 = MMXVISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
2013 = MMXIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
2006 = MMVISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
558 = DLVIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
108 = CVIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
929 = CMXXIXSep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
348 = CCCXLVIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
73 = LXXIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
12740 = XIIDCCXLSep 15th, 15:23 (BST)
353 = CCCLIIISep 15th, 15:23 (BST)